; } Ozone







Translated by Sally



Translator Here




VMExperimental Mighty Maze

in the folder



Flaming Pear-Copies

Flaming pear Lunar Cell


EyeCandy 5 Impact

FM Tile Tools

Penta Com


My website







Aclis et Verlaine

 These tubes were received from tube sharing groups
or found by me searching on the net

I am grateful to have been given permission to use these beautiful tubes so
please use any copyright information as needed.

If one of these tubes is yours,

Contact me

so I can make a link to your site

or remove it

Thank you Renee




Materials here


link for download here




Before you start


Open PSP

Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders

Brushes and other tools in their respective folders

To import presets / Double-click the file it will automatically install



Let's begin

1. Open a transparent image of 995 x 645 pixels

2. Prepare your color palette - foreground #dad4ce and background #8f8175
Configure a gradient as follows:

3. Fill the layer with the gradient

4. Effects - Graphics Plus - Horizontal Mirror 128/0

5. Layers - duplicate

6. Effects - Artistic Effects - Halftone

7. Effects - Mura'sMeister - Perspective Tiling/ color #908176

8. Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave

9. Effects - 3-D effect - Drop Shadow

10. Open the tube ''image _chaine'' and paste as new layer

11. Effects - Image effects - Offset

12. Set the layer to Luminance mode and opacity to 67

13. Color Palette - Set your foreground #80bfc6/ open texture "001_glass.jpg"

14. Layers - Add a new layer

15. Selection Tool - custom selection

16. Left mouse button / fill the selection

17. Selections - deselect

18. Effects - distortion effect / wind

19. Effects - Flaming Pear - Flexify2

20. Image flip

21. Effect Mura's Meister - Copies

22. Change the layer mode to Soft Light

23. Effects - Edge effects - enhance

24. Layers - add a new layer

25. Using the texture foreground - fill the layer

26. It should look like this:

27. Effects - Flaming pear Lunar Cell / locate the preset in the materials folder "presetLunaire.q1q: / (follow the arrows as shown in the capture)
Click ok

28. Effects - Transparency - Eliminate Black

29. Open the tube "logane_renee_02_04_2013" and paste as a new layer

30. With the Magic Wand select the part of the tube as shown (I have the tolerance set to 10)

31. Layers - add a new layer / and fill the selection with white

32. Effects / texture effects /Straw wall color #B1ABB8

33. Selections - deselect

34. Layers - Merge down

35. Effects - EyeCandy 5 - perspective shadow - Preset ''ozone_1''

36. Layers - Add a new layer

37. Selections - Load selection from disk - "ozone_1"

38. Fill with the color #dcdcdc / Warning: paint tool / set the opacity to 50

39. Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 / VM Experimental - Mighty Maze - settings 42/255/255/255

40. Change the blend mode to Soft Light

41. Effects - Edge effects - Enhance

42. Effects - Transparency Eliminate White

43. Selections - Deselect

44. Effects - EyeCandy 5/ Impact - perpsective shadow - Preset "ozone_pshadow_1"

Your Palette should look like this:

45. Layers - Add a new layer

46. Selection tool - Custom selection

47. Change the foreground color to #dcdcdc and settings like this:

48. Fill the selection

49. Selections - Select none

50. Effects - Distortion effects - Wave

51. Change the blend mode to soft light

52. Layers arrange down twice - under Raster 5 (character)

53. Effects - EyeCandy 5 Impact - Perspective Shadow - Preset "ozone_2"

54. Click and activate the top layer

55. Layers - Add a new layer

56. Selections - Load the selection "ozone_1" again Open tube ''aclis_paisaje_02-07_11_2012''. Paste into the selection

57. Effects - FM Tile Tools - Blend Emboss default

58. Change the blend mode to Luminance Legacy

59. Selections - deselect

60. Open the tube ''papillon'' Paste and move to suit yourself

61. Open the tube ''verlaine'' - Click on raster 3 and paste as new layer

- Move like this

62. Layers merge visible

63. Image - add borders 5 pixels - #8f8175

64. Image - add borders 50 pixels - #dcdcdc

65. Image - add borders 5 pixels - #8f8175

66. With the magic wand select the 50 pixels border

67. Effects - Penta Com - Jeans 48/4

68. Selections - Invert selection

69. Effects - 3-D effect - Drop Shadow

70. Selections - deselect

71. Paste text tube of your choice (there are 2 to choose from)

72. Merge all layers

All finished

Thanks Sally



I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded


Your creations here