; } imagine_dragons



New Translations

In [Dutch translated ] by Marion


In [English translated ] by Marion


In [Italien translated ] by Graziella


In [German translated ] by Marion




Translations here



*Flaming Pear - Indian ink *

In the File


Flaming Pear


Nick Color effex Pro3.0

 AAA Frame

Power retouche - PR Lens Corrector


Graphic Plus

Adjust Variations


Here to my




These Tuben are


Thafs -KrysDesign -Christine and IdaviScrapt

These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups .

Or found by me searching on the net.

I am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so please use any copyright information as needed.

If one of these tubes is yours?

Contact me so I can make a link to your site or remove it

Thanks Renée




Download material here




Before you start


Open PSP

Open your material

Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders.

Brushes and other tools in their respective folders

To import presets Eye candy / Double-click the file it will automatically install


For older versions of PSP

may be that you are having trouble opening the tubes

Just click OK and the tube can be used.




This lesson was made in version X6 , but can easily be made in previous version.

Mail me if you encounter some difficulties. In earlier versions, merging down layers with different blend mode and/or opacity, can result in a slightly different effect.

The option Image - mirror/flip is no longer available.

In PSP versions newer than X3, please use the script


Let's begin .

1. File: Activate the image: "fond_dragon''/Promote Background Layer = raster 1

2. Material Properties: Foreground color to color: #f9f3b5

3. Layers - New Raster Layer/Activate flood fill tool and fill the layer with the foreground color

4. Layers-New Mask Layer From Image and choose Mask: 1217491254

5. Effects - Edge Effects -Enhance

6. Layers- Merge - Merge Group

7. Effects - Plugins -Flaming Pear Flood and choose my preset ''Imagine_dragons_Flood settings'' Click on the red arrow and find your preset and OK

8. Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "Soft Light"

9. Effects- Edge Effects -Enhance More

10. Layers - New Raster Layer/Flood fill tool: fill the layer with color black

11. Layers-New Mask Layer From Image and choose Mask: ''imagine_dragons_1''

12. Layers- Merge - Merge Group

13. Effects -Plugins - Simple / Quarter Corner

14. Layers- Duplicate -Image Mirror - Opacity: 81%

15. Layers- Merge-Merge Down

16. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose: "imagine_dragons_1''

17. Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur: Radius: 35 %

Selections - Deselect all

18. Activate the tube ''chrismist_Fractal_Art_18.pspimage''/Image Resize 125%

Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer(do not move it is in the right place)

19. Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "luminance Legacy"

20. Activate the tube '' imagine_dragons_image_flaque.pspimage''/ Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

and place against the bottom edge / Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "Dissolve" /Opacity 77%

21. Activate the tube ''Blue_Dragon_Fantasy_tubed_by_Thafs'' / Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

22. Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "luminance Legacy"

23. Activate the tube ''KRYSFANTASTIQUE-07-04-14-030.png'' Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer and move

24. Effects - Plugins -Nick Color Effex Pro3.0 / Cross Processing  - G05

Your work look like this now

25. Activate the tube ''calguismistedweb10012012.pspimage''/Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer/ and move to the left

26. Effects -Edge Effects -Enhance

27. Layers-Merge-Merge Visible

28. Image Resize 800 pixels Width

29. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 1 pixels black /Rename this layer ''creation-1''

Open your choice of 2 frames (or choose another frame depending on your creation)

30. Activate your magic wand and select the inside of the frame

31. Selections- Modify -Expand 5 pixels

32. Layers- New raster layer

33. Activate ''creation-1'' /Edit/copy -Edit/paste into selection

34. Effects - Plugins - AAA Frame - Foto Frame

35.Selections - Deselect all

36. Layers-Arrange- Move Down- Layers-Merge-Merge Visible

Put aside for now

37. File: Aktivate the image: ''fond_dragon_2''/ Promote Background Layer = raster 1

38. Effects -Distortion Effects- Polar Coordinates/Polar to rectangular

39. Layers- Duplicate

40. Effects- Geometric Effects /Skew

41. Effects -Distortion Effects -Wave

42. Effects - 3D Effects-Drop Shadow 10/10 /75 /25 black

43. Effects -Plugins Flaming Pear - Indian ink

attention open the filter-click Register -put the code and then -Activate the tube put the settings right and OK. As shown in the screen

44. Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "Soft Light" Opacity 71%

45. Effects - Plugins -Simple - Pizza Slice

46. Effects - Plugins -Simple- Top Left Mirror

47. Effects- Plugins -Power retouche - PR Lens Corrector

48. Effects - 3D Effects- Cutout (do not add new layer/effect on the same layer )

49. Image -Free Rotate 90° Right

50. Effects - Image Effects- Offset

51.Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "Hard Light"/Opacity 71%

52. Activate the tube ''image_dragons_mur'' / Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

53.Effects - Image Effects- Offset

54. Effects - Plugins - Graphic Plus /White out   255/ 47

55. Activate the tube ''imagine_dragons_moellons" / Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

place like this

56. Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "Luminance"

57. Activate your picture frame ( point 36) ( 800 x 800 pixels ) Image Resize 75% ( You must keep these sizes if you are using any other image)

Edit/copy-Edit paste as a new layer ( do not move)

58. Effects  -Plugins - Andromeda Perpsective

59. Activate the tube ''KRYSFANTASTIQUE-07-04-14-029.pspimage''/ Image Resize 55 % /Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

60. Effects -Plugins -Adjust Variations / Lighter/ 2 x (You can choose a different color to taste)

see the final result for the placement of the frame and the tube

61. Activate the tube ''imagine_dragons_boule_rouge.pspimage'' /Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer /place on the top right

62. Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "Soft Light"

63. Activate the tube ''imagine_dragons_sparkles.pspimage''/Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer(do not move it is in the right place)

64. Layer-Palette: Change the Blend Mode to "Screen". Opacity 61%

65. Layers-Arrange- Move 2x Down

The result

Aktivate the top of the layer palette

66. Activate the tube ''Idavi_clous"  - 2 tubes  Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer and place to the left

Merge into one single layer (Idavi clous tubes -and Frame)

67. Effects - 3D Effects- Drop Shadow 0/0/25/20 black

68. Layers-Merge-Merge Visible

69. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 1 pixels black

70. Adjust - Smart Photo Fix

71. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 55 pixels color: #cecfe3

72. Material Properties: Foreground color to color white:prepare a fading-foreground gradient with these settings (Sunburst) below

73. With the magic wand select the border of 55 pixels

74. Selections - Promote selection to layer / Activate flood fill tool and fill the selection with the gradient (do not add new layer)

75.Selections - Deselect all

76. Effects - Plugins-  AAA Frame Foto Frame

77. Activate the tube '' nuages_dans_le_desert_tubed_by_thafs''/Image Resize 50%/ Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new layer

78. Activate the tube " titre" Edit/copy -Edit paste as a new layer .Or write your own text

79. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 1 pixel black


I hope you enjoyed this lesson


This lesson was written by Renée 9/04/2014

Created 2014



Any resemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence


Don't forget to thank the people who work for us and with us. I named the tubeurs - Testers and the translators.

Thanks Renée.



I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded



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