Art Of Dance
Translated by Sally
Materials click

Mura's Meister/perspective tilling
<Sandflower SpecialV/builder
AAA Foto frame
hier :http://www.reneegraphisme.fr/filtres/Mes
These tubes were
received from tubeurs sharing groups
Or found by me
searching on the net
I am grateful to have
been given permission these beautiful tubes so
please use any
copyright information as needed
If one of these tubes
is yours,
Contact me
so I can make a link
to your site
or remove it
Thank you Renee
Copy the selections to your Selections folder. We gaan
Let's begin
1. Open the background - "Fond art de la danse de renee"
2. Layers - duplicate. Stay on the copy of Fusionn
3. Effects - Mura's Meister / perspective tilling

4. Image - Duplicate
5. Image - free rotate - right 90 ° / Resize to 50%
Place like this-

7. Layers - duplicate/ image mirror
8. Layers / merge down
9. Effects - 3D-effect/ Drop shadow

10. Effects - Filters Unlimited/ & <sandflower Special V / builder
blocks table

11. Layers/ new raster layer
12. Selections - Load the selection "renee art de la danse"
13. Open, copy and paste "element base 2" in the selection
Effects - Edge effect/ enhance
14. Selections - select none
15. Open tube "236-dancers-LB_TUBES". Resize to 50% / paste as new
16. With your eraser tool remove the portion of the tape that
extends at the right
17. Open tube "Fleur modifie guismo" I modified it for this
tutorial. Copy and paste as a new layer, and place it at the bottom
For your own decoration you can use:
Eyecandy-effect 5 / backlight / preset "renee art of dance". The
modified tube already has this effect.
18. Open tube - "lut-tube 891522011"/ resize twice at 75% and paste
as new layer. Place as shown
19. Layers - new raster layer.
20. Selections "renee art de la danse 3"
21. Open "element voile" copy and paste into the selection
22. Selections - select none
23. Open tube - "Image 14"/ copy and paste as new layer
effect-effect-image shift

24. Copy and Paste tube "at de la danse voile". Set the blend mode
to screen and opacity to 57
25. Open tube - "spot art danse"/ Copy and paste as a new layer /
place at the top as shown
26. Set the blend mode to Luminance and lower the opacity to 57
27. Open tube "barre de lumierre" - copy and paste as new layer.
Place it on top as shown
28. Paste tube "spot light" Place it on the top of bar tube as shown
* Leave the blend mode as harsh light
29. Copy and Paste the tube "effet projecteur". Move to position as
30. Layers / Merge Visible
31. Effects Xero/ improver - 9/9/9
32. Effects - AAA filters/ Foto frame with the following settings.
Make sure to check negative

33. Image add borders 40 pixels/ white
34. Repeat the same filter effect AAA Fotoframe
35. Text tool - font BulwarkNF/ size 48 Stroke 1 - Foreground color
#ffffff and background #3f2627
write your text
36. Effects - 3D-effect/ Drop shadow/ repeat with positive H & V -

Thank You
Translated by Sally
I am part of Tutorial
Writers Inc.
My tutorials are
regularly recorded

creations here