; } Sweet_girl



  Translated by Sally




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AP[utility]  ou AP14 -Video repeat

EyeCandy 5-Impact

 L and K's - Jouri

AFS -sqborder2


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 my website





These tubes were received from tube sharing groups
or found by me searching on the net

I am grateful to have been given permission to use these beautiful tubes so
please use any copyright information as needed.

If one of these tubes is yours,

Contact me

so I can make a link to your site

or remove it

Thank you Renee



Material here





Before you start

Open PSP

Put filters in their proper folders

Brushes and other tools in their respective PSP folders

To import presets / Double-click the file it will automatically move


Let's begin

Color palette - foreground color white - background color #c94846

1. Open the image "fond_sweet_love_girl" - promote to background layer

2. Layers - new raster layer - fill with the color white

3. Layers - new mask layer from image "masque_sweet_love_renee"


4. Effects - edge effects - enhance

5. Layers - merge group

6. Layers - new raster layer

7. Color palette - make a linear gradient

8. Selection tool - custom selection


9. Fill with the gradient

10. Effects - simple - blintz

11. Effects - Filters unlimited2.0 - Toadies - posterize

12. Effects - edge effects - Dilate - Effects - edge effects - enhance

13. Effects - unlimited2.0 - Toadies - blur'em


14. Selection - select none

15. Layers - Arrange - move down down - Change this layer mode to Hard Light

This is your pallet


16. Activate the top layer

17. Layers - new raster layer

18. Selections - Load selection from disk "sweet_1" - fill with white
Selections - select none

19. Effects - 3D effects - drop shadow black 10/22/50/7

20. Change foreground to white - red background
Effects -"AP14" video - repeats 48/min51/99/0/0

Otherwise use the filter - AP (utility) - Utility - repeat

21. Layers - new raster layer

22. Selections - Load selection from disk "sweet_2" - fill with white

23. Effects - texture effects - texture - Golf - can be found in the download file in the texture folder - see parameters

24. Effects - Eye Candy5 impact - glass - preset "renee_sweet_girl_glass"

25. Selections - select none

26. Change the mode of this layer to hard light - Opacity 73

27: Load from the materials folder "burst.jsl" into the preset shapes folder of psp

28: Layers - new raster layer
Preset shapes tool - select the shape you have loaded and draw in the center as shown

Convert to raster layer and move it if necessary with the select tool (K)

29. Effects - Eye Candy5 impact - blacklight - preset "sweet_girl_blacklight"

30. Layers - new raster layer

31. Selections - Load selection from disk "sweet_3"

32. Color palette open your gradient''Black_White'' - Linear 0/0 unchecked invert - fill the selection with the gradient

33. Selections - select none

Color palette - change the Background color to "f2a8bb"

34. With your magic wand select the inside of the glasses - flood fill - fill with the background color - Opacity 65

35. Selections - select none

36. Open tube "sweet_girl_verre" - Copy and paste as a new layer - place well in the glasses
With the rectangle selection tool (S) - rounded/ draw a selection like this

37. Effects - EyeCandy 5 Impact Glass Preset ''sweet_100'' / deselect

38. Layers - Duplicate / Mirror Image - Make sure there is a perfect symmetry

39. Activate the layer Raster6 (glasses) / selections - load the selection "sweet_3''
Effects - EyeCandy 5 Impact - Glass - Clear Preset/ default

40. Selections - select none

your work should look like this

41. Click to activate the top layer

42. Layers - new raster layer

43. Selections - Load selection from disk "sweet_4" - fill with foreground gradient - make sure the flood fill tool is set at 100 opacity

44. Effects - Eye Candy5 impact - Glass - preset "sweet_girl_glass_2" - lower layer opacity to 77

45. Selections - select none

46. Layers - add a new raster layer

47. Selections - load selection "sweet_girl_5'' / set the foreground to white - flood fill tool/ Opacity 50 - fill the selection

48. Selections - select none

49. Layers - duplicate - Effects - Image effects - Offset

50. Repeat line 49

51. Layers - merge down twice

52. Effects - Image effects - page curl

53. Change the Layer Mode to Soft Light

54. Layers - add a new layer

55. Selection tool - custom selection

55. Fill with #be2620 color

56. Effects - L and K's - Jouri set at 122/129/128

57. Effects - Filters unlimited2.0 - Graphic Plus - Cross Shadow default

58. Selections - select none

59. With the Select Tool (K) - Perspective mode / move like this

60. Change the Mode of this layer to Luminance Legacy - Opacity set at 83

61. Layers - new raster layer

62. Selections - Load selection from disk "sweet_girl_6" - flood fill tool set to Opcaity 65 - fill with white

63. Effects - Eye Candy5 Impact - Bevel - preset "sweet_girl_bevel"

64. Change this layer to Soft Light mode

65. Layers - Arrange - Move Down - Selections - select none

66. Open the tube ''sweet_girl_cone'' - paste as a new layer - move into place

This layer mode set to Luminance Legacy

67. Layers - Duplicate - Image - mirror

68. Layers - merge down

69. Open tube "sweet_girl_branches" - paste as a new layer - bottom right corner

70. Open tube "sweet_girl_tige" - paste as a new layer - see finished image

71. Open the title tube (titre) "renee_sweet_girl" - paste as a new layer

72. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 0/0/78/16 black

73. Layers - Arrange - Move Down

74. Open tube "jhanna_554_tube" Paste as new layer

Image - mirror - move into place

75. Layers - Merge visible

76. Image - add borders three white pixels

77. Image - add borders 45 pixels background color

78. Select this border with your magic wand

79. Effects - Filters unlimited2.0 - AFS - sq border 2

80. Selections - Invert

81. Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow 3/3/85/22 black - negative min3/min3/85/22

82. Selection - select none

83. Image - add borders three pixels white

All Finished


Written 5/11/2013

Created  15/11/2013


I hope you enjoyed this lesson


I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded


Don't forget to thank the people who work for us and with us.
I named the tubeurs - Testers and the translators
Thank you



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